Exploring Merchant Navy | The second line of Defence

Defence Navy as we all know is a premier defence line which rules the limitless ocean and ensures safety of a Nation across the waterlines. Defence Navy refers to a Nation's Maritime military wing. For a common man, the first thing which comes in his mind while talking about Navy is the white attired lions standing firm and the humongous warships our Country has. Everyone has a brief, in fact a good idea regarding what Navy is and what are the functions and working strata of the Naval staffs are about. So with having a good idea about Defence Navy and its functions, lets ponder upon the Merchant Navy Sector. Do you know what Merchant Navy is all about? How Merchant Navy organizes and contributes to the growth of a Nation.  So in this article lets have a look at the basic stuffs of this prestigious department.

Merchant Navy is considered as the second line of defence for a Maritime Nation. Now what exactly the word Maritime is? Maritime means linked or connected with sea, especially in trade matters. Merchant Navy well connects with the term Maritime. So Merchant Navy mainly deals with trade, exporting goods and importing of materials which a country requires. It is mainly commercial marine services. Commercial service refers to shipping of people and goods across the globe. Merchant Navy sector contributes and enhances the economic defence of a Nation. Well it's clear that Merchant Navy is linked with trade through sea, it does not deal with warships. They mostly deal with passenger ships, bulk carriers , oil tankers and container ships . Since armed forces and war or security is not the main focus of Merchant Navy, it usually does not include armed ships or warships. Containers and carrier ships are used for the storage of goods, trade and  transport purpose.

Now lets look at some key differences between Navy and Merchant Navy. One thing as mentioned earlier is armed ships or warships are not used in Merchant Navy. They entirely deal with commercial ships. 

1. Travel patterns: While Defence Navy is confined to a country's ocean limit, the Merchant Navy has a huge travel pattern. In Merchant Navy, the ships move from one Nation to another and it's a platform for a person to take a round of the globe. A person who loves to travel a lot will easily stick on to Merchant Navy.

2. Another major difference is the ranking system and pay scale: Both of these are major differences to be noted. Merchant Navy usually has a high pay scale and both have a different ranking pattern. Ultimately it's not the pay scale but the pride and honor you get in both these Naval fields which is limitless and cannot be described in words.

3.Now lets look at the training pattern: Training wise both are in line. Navy or Merchant Navy, you are a part of Defence. Training is an integral part or core of  Defence sector. Merchant Navy has also intense training like the Defense Navy. The same line, fitness core is followed in Merchant Navy too. A lot of Maritime institutions are there in our country which offer extra ordinary cadet training for Merchant Navy. Training pattern of Merchant Navy is not entirely  similar to the Defense Navy, but almost matches with it. Physical training, morning drills , swimming, parade, fall in, sports, team work are the core stuffs in building a Merchant Navy Cadet. It is this training techniques and fitness perks which enables you to move on in the shipping platform.e

Whether Defence Navy or Merchant Navy , dedication and commitment is the foundational quality of both these esteemed wings. Defence means discipline and that's what the second line of Defence , Merchant Navy is too. Its  the uniform you wear , the service you do which gives you satisfaction. To the end of the note , it's you who must choose where to go, your final decision matters. Defense Navy or Merchant Navy the working condition is same, the vast ocean. You are here to rule the sea. So move on champ!

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